I bet you thought that Cailin got new boots. Not this time. I got new pink boots. If you don't have a pair, I highly suggest you get one, if you do any kind of work outside. They are so comfortable. Go here to Muck Boots and check them out. They also have some cool purple ones.

The sore muscles come from wearing my new boots yesterday and helping my B-I-Law in the chicken houses. I picked up three houses of chickens myself and them helped him with the other three. I haven't done that much manual labor in a while. I'll be better in a few days. I still need to clean up my pink boots. It's been to cold to get back outside and wash them off real good,
Great looking boots! Glad to hear you are keeping busy. I've just returned from WA where I was occupied with kids, laundry, dog, swim practice, dance class, basketball games, church, and playdates. What a great time we had:-)
Those are really awesome gumboots! I wish I had some, lol!
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