This is my first post since the beginning and the end of the ice storm. We woke up that Tuesday morning to no power. After several hours of seeing how bad it really was, Jessica and I got hotel rooms down in Union City. Matthew stayed with Michael, who still had chickens, down in the shop. After three nights in the hotel we knew it was going to take a while for power to get back on. Cailin and I knew we had a nice warm place to go so to Southwest Arkansas we went to Nana and Papa's house. I hated to leave but then again, not really. Our power was off for 13 days. Matthew stayed with his brother, who got his power on pretty quick. Cailin and I got back home on Friday. Here is a series of picks of before, during, and after.

1 comment:
Well, I have really missed your postings! Jessica kept me informed about where everyone was. I know you must have thoroughly enjoyed being with your parents. What fun Cailin must have had with her Papa! No doubt, though, she was happy to be back with her dad. Welcome home!
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