Our dog, Belle, rolled in something awful as most dogs seem to try if they have a chance to roam. This morning we are preparing for the arrival of Nana and Papa tomorrow, WOOOOHOOOOO!! Belle had to have a bath. She does really good and will kinda help get herself in the tub. She stands still like a well trained dog should, thanks to Matthew's long training hours with her. She has no problem getting herself out. This is her pitiful look of, "Are we done yet?"

I know better than to post just about the dog, so here is some Cailin also. A couple weeks ago we were outside trying to clean up the yard. It was very windy and Cailin really didn't want to be outside. Well, really none of us did, but we tried to make the most out of it for her. Matthew set up his Ameristep pop-up blind. I brought out her table and chair, books, baby, drink, and snack to get her set up. At one point she was looking out one of the windows and was shotting deer. I think we have a future hunter on our hands. She did ask, "Are you finished yet?" We had to end our day early because of the wind. You'll be happy to know, or may not really care, but the yard is looking good. We still have limbs that fall every time the wind blows, but that is to be expected. Now we just need to mow!