I have been wanting to post pics for a while and now I have finally taken the time to do so. It is a beautiful day and Cailin is napping.
While Cailin and I were at my parents house, during the ice storm, I talked my dad into building a bookcase/toy box for Cailin. Matthew had to mail my the magizine with the idea, and then me and Daddy put our own twist to it. They came up the week after Cailin's birthday and brought it. I think it turned out great. Daddy put a lot of time into it and it will be something that Cailin can keep with her. We filled it up just as soon as we got it into her room. Here is is below. Daddy made it very sturdy thinking of Cailin and my nephew climbing on it. Well we don't have to worry about them climbing on it. But we did find them in it!!!

Aren't they two of the cutest kids that you have ever seen. Jaden was being a stinker and wouldn't look at the camera.

Jaden spent the afternoon with us last week while M&J went to a movie. The kids had soooo much fun together. He got here about 2:30 and we did not go in the house until bath time. They even ate their supper outside. Here they are just eating a snack. The thing about two is, double the help picking up sticks. They were both very tired (and DIRTY) at the end of the day! Below is the tub after Cailin's bath. The kids had thrown dirt at each other and it stuck to Cailin's head. She had to rinse off with the shower.

Do you remember the post about the deer rub in the backyard? Well, now we have turkeys. Or at least did. This one crossed the road into the field across the road from the house. I heard him one morning when I was in the bathroom. Talk about having wildlife in your back yard. We think he may have been taken because we haven't heard him in a while.
1 comment:
What a good-looking bookcase! This will be something Cailin will treasure forever. She and Jaden look so cute together in the cubby hole. Boy, they really did get dirty from the looks of the tub:-)
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