Can you see where my helper is, sitting on the front porch. My rake has seen better days also. I was getting with it the other day and the handle broke in half. But it broke about the time Cailin walked up behind me. The rake hit her in the head and I thought I had poked her in the eye the way she was covering her eye. Luckily, it was just a small scratch above her eyebrow. Today we went to the library for story hour. I was picking out books and she was telling some of the other kids there that "My mommy hit me in the head with the rake". One of the mom's there says, "I wonder what mom did that". I just raised my hand and said, "That would be me, but it was an accident." I guess we just never know what our kids will say and how it will sound when it comes out. LOL!!
Here is the brush pile that has been started. Matthew started this before we got back home. Last week a Disaster Relief group from Tampa, FL showed up and cleaned up Matthew's grandmother's yard next to us. So some of this is from her yard also. But the bad thing is, we are not near done. We have some lined up on the road so the FEMA hired people can pick it up. We'll see if they really do. The wind is blowing about 20 mph and gusting about 45mph. When Cailin and I got home today there was a limb in the back yard that has been blown out today. I really wish the wind would stop blowing!!!