The last few weeks have been lots of fun, but boy have we been busy.

While I was getting ready, she found my lipstick!! Look how pretty!
I had some meetings in NWA on June 9th. Matthew and Cailin joined me on Thursday. While Matthew and Craig shot skeets Friday morning, Cathy and I took the girls to the Gentry drive through zoo. CAILIN HAD A BLAST!!! She is still talking about the zoo and how she needs to go back to see the Zebras, Camels, and Monkeys. We may be driving through again next time we are up. Cailin had so much fun being back at "Her house". She didn't want to leave and asked to go back the morning after we got back south.

The girls feeding the fattest pig ever, more bread. The Zoo had a petting zoo that we walked through. There were lots of birds, goats, pigs, and even a snake. Cailin wanted to pet it, but I wouldn't let her, since I don't like snakes.

This was as close as she would get to the turtle.
This past weekend was our first attempt at fishing. Good thing my dad packed a cooler, it was perfect for her to sit on. Leaving the bobbler sitting in the water was hard for her. She kept reeling it in.

We really are having a great time!!

Nothing was biting at this pond, so it was off to the next one.

They were biting here. I caught this one. Cailin got to pet it and help put it back in the water.

So cute!! I love the lip stick picture!!!!
Great photos! Petting zoos and fishing----sure brings back memories. Cailin, you're gorgeous in the lipstick!
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