The jonquils are blooming here and Cailin loves to pick flowers. She has been sick all weekend, running a fever. Today is very nice so we got out of the house just for a little while to get some fresh air. Cailin picked the flowers and then give them to Nana (aka: my mom). The Jonquil Festival is the weekend of her birthday (March 14-16) at Old Washington State Park. Hopefully the weather will be nice and there will still be jonquils to see so we can go. You know, every small town has a festival of some sorts around here. The Watermelon Festival is in Hope, the Pine Tree Festival is in Dierks, and the Dinosaur Festival is in Nashville. If you are looking for a reason to come visit, I can find you a festival to attend. Today was the first day that she would get on Papa's tractor. She sure did enjoy it.
Oh, please, send some warm weather up here, so we can have some pretty flowers!! How happy Nana must be to have Cailin there. What a beautiful granddaughter she has:-)
Hope your house selling and hunting are going well.
Awww I love March flowers!! I can't wait for it to warm up!!! Glad she is feeling better!
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