We are still here. I know it has been a long time, but I just haven't taken the time to post anything. Most is still the same. Our house is still for sale. I had a meeting to attend last month and it was nice to stay in my own bed again. Cailin was sick part of last week. It never fails that when I go out of town for business, she gets sick. She's all better now. I am fighting a sinus infection. The honey suckle is blooming here and is reeking havoc on my nose. My Dad has bought Cailin a fishing pole and we are waiting for a nice weekend when everyone feels good to go fishing. Cailin is still enjoying school. She can count to 11, only skipping #5. She can say her ABC's only skipping a few letters. We have to sing every morning going to school. My Mom picks her up in the afternoons and they sing and count on the way home. She also knows her colors. The best thing has been when you ask her what my name is, "Crystal", what's Daddy's name, "Russell". She now knows that Daddy's name is Matthew Russell. It's all to cute. We are having a blast with her. She speaks in sentences and we have very little trouble understanding her. Once you mention something to her, it sticks. Like going to the zoo to ride the train and see the elephants. We will be doing this very soon. The other thing is going to see Uncle Michael's baby chickens. Good thing Uncle Michael will have baby chickens when we go for a visit over Memorial weekend. She is looking forward to playing with Jaden and so are we. She is a big talker now. My baby girl is now a big girl all the way around. When I took her to the doctor last week, she was 35 pounds. She is getting very tall. Well, I will do my best to post more often. But for now, here are the latest pics from the weekend.
I bought these flowers back early April and she and I planted them. She loves to water and smell the flowers.

What goes up!!!

Must come down.

She learned that if she took her shoes off, she could climb back up the slide.LOL!